Kolhapur Oxygen and Acetylene Pvt Ltd
I would like to share my experience of the training conducted by Sarvade Madam. Personally I had a
feeling before this training that Training is a picnic like affair wherein employees listen during the
day, (not seriously), are being impacted for that day only and the forget the impact in coming days. Also
many trainers give Power Point presentation which is much of theoretical and employees are not much
interested as this is not practical solution.
But in case of Madam, the story was different. The training had emphasis on practical training having
activities wherein Team work, Leadership skills, Motivation etc. were given. Also after the training each
department head was followed by Madam personally and given solution to their everyday problem. Also
whatsapp group were formed to have immediate solutions. The reporting system was fine tuned with
reasoning analysis like reports giving problems and solutions thereon. Employees were more open to
Madam for their day to day problem and also made chnages as per Madam's suggestion.
This training, and guidance made a positive impact in everyone style of working. Her training style of
smooth as well as hard words during the session made a different impact on employees.
The discussions were truly inspiring. I have attended several trainings before but I can't recall any of
them having such a strong impact. You have done a wonderful job and I appreciate your efforts.
I will surely recommend this training to all my colleagues and friends. We are continuing this good work.